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Interested in bringing Walk With Ease to your Community? Look no further!



If you’re a community leader interested in bringing the Leader-led Group format of Walk With Ease to your audience, please check out our comprehensive Walk With Ease Toolkit.  This toolkit links to a number of customizable resources to help ease program implementation.



The Self-Directed Walk With Ease Portal, offered by the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance, provides organizations with an online registration, reporting, engagement, tracking, and book delivery system for the program.

Your organization will receive:

  • A unique URL to a mobile-friendly online platform for registering and supporting your WWE participants.
    Download the Portal Pricing Sheet
  • Automated emails/texts to keep participants motivated.
  • Secure accounts for all registrants.
  • Adherence features including goal setting, progress tracking, tools, videos & a Certificate of Completion.
  • Data collection and reporting features. [SAMPLES: Demographics; Walking Report]
  • Personalized onboarding training & technical assistance.*
  • Discounted price on the Walk With Ease guidebook for participants + automated shipping and handling.
  • Discounted digital books.
                     *Equivalent to 1hr/mo


One-time fee of $500 to add the portal in Spanish (Camine Con Gusto)


WWE Guidebook Pricing:

Digital Books (delivered via Portal) = $5/book

Print Books = $4.95 + $7.75 S&H = $12.70/book 


If you are interested in getting started, please contact Serena Weisner at

To learn more about how to get started with offering Walk With Ease in a community setting, please visit our Resources for Community Organizations page.



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