Spread the Message
Help Us StandUp2OA by spreading the message
You can help us raise awareness of OA–and share how to prevent it–by posting to your social media channels and following ours.
Use #StandUp2OA in your posts (or our pre-written ones) to tell your friends and family how you prevent osteoarthritis.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to stay up to date on the latest news and connect with other advocates for osteoarthritis prevention.
Pre-written social posts
Copy and paste the text below onto your preferred social media channel to spread our community’s message.
- I support the @OAactionallianc mission to increase awareness, education and resources for preventing #osteoarthritis and improve the lives of millions. #standup2oa
- I #StandUp2OA because #osteoarthritis affects over 30 million people and is a leading cause of disability in the US. We can help prevent it. Learn how: standup2oa.org
- The Burden of #Osteoarthritis is more than just the pain a person feels. It costs an avg $2,017 avg a year to treat and $80 bill in lost work earnings. Learn ways how you can take action to help prevent it: #StandUp2OA www.standup2oa.org #StandUp2OA
- #Exercise and #selfmanagement interventions can help people with prevent #osteoarthritis improve their joints symptoms and their mood. Communities, businesses and healthcare systems can make an impact by providing these exercise programs www.standup2oa.org #StandUp2OA
Injury Prevention
- Staying in the game is a ‘joint’ effort! Train smartly for sports with best practices that will reduce the risk of lower limb injury today and lower #osteoarthritis risk later in life. #StandUp2OA
- Coaches, players, parents #DYK that osteoarthritis can develop as early as 10-15 yrs after knee injury? Best practice training strategies can reduce injury risk. Together, we can #StandUp2OA
- Injury prevention is important at all ages and stages, whether for youth athletes reducing lower limb injury risk or adults preventing injury from falls. It’s also critical for preventing #osteoarthritis. Learn how you can #StandUp2OA www.standup2oa.org
Physical Activity
- Today I’m [insert your physical activity here] to reduce my risk of #osteoarthritis. #StandUp2OA
- You can #StandUp2OA by exercising 2-3x a week for 2.5 hours total. Physical activity helps to manage pain, prevent #osteoarthritis, and improve mobility, muscle strength, independence and even mood. Learn more: www.standup2oa.org #StandUp2OA
- Keep moving! Daily physical activity lessens joint pain and stiffness. Start low, go slow. Learn more tips to help kickstart your physical activity to prevent #osteoarthritis: www.standup2oa.org #StandUp2OA
- #DYK Physical activity is great for preventing #osteoarthritis and other chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity. Learn more: www.standup2oa.org #StandUp2OA
- Movement improves mood and function. Both improve quality of life, but it also helps prevent #osteoarthritis.#StandUp2OA and walk with a friend today! www.standup2oa.org
Weight Management
- Weight management is key to prevention can help prevent #osteoarthritis. Learn more– DYK 11 pounds of weight loss can reduce #osteoarthritis risk by half? For more tips: https://t.co/0QCZPrCuiP #StandUp2OA
- Weight management is key to prevention – DYK every 1 pound of weight-loss = 4lbs of relief on knee joints, along with injury prevention, can help prevent osteoarthritis. Learn more: http://bit.ly/2w4PSLd #StandUp2OA
- Weight gain is common with age and adds extra pressure to painful joints. The good news? Managing your weight with diet & exercise can help to reduce joint pain and prevent #osteoarthritis. Learn more: https://oaaction.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/623/2018/08/OAAA_WeightGain_JointPain-AN-3.18.pdf #StandUp2OA
- Losing weight can help you reduce joint pain, avoid joint surgery and become more active. One way to reduce joint pain and the risk of #osteoarthritis is by maintaining a healthy weight. #StandUp2OA
Get information and updates from @oaactionallianc. Tag us in your posts and use the hashtag #StandUp2OA. If you are not comfortable tweeting on your own, you can use our pre-written messages or you can retweet our tweets.
Like us on Facebook for more information and updates on how you can StandUp2OA. Don’t forget to tag us in your posts about how you #StandUp2OA!
Connect with us on LinkedIn so you can receive both our organizational updates and information about the campaign.
Pin with us on Pinterest and follow our boards.
Connect with us on Instagram @osteoarthritisactionalliance and tag us in your photos showing how YOU #StandUp2OA.
Subscribe for our newsletters and receive news on the latest webinars, podcasts, research, and happening on osteoarthritis.
Digital Resources
Messaging Toolkit: Campaign Toolkit 2018
Download our trifold brochure