Reports on OA Data and Statistics
As the prevalence of osteoarthritis in the general public soars, so do medical costs, costs to society, and the impact of comorbid illnesses.
We have compiled links to data and statistics from our member organizations that may be helpful for researchers, policymakers, and anyone impacted by osteoarthritis.
Fast facts about osteoarthritis
Complete Reports, Data and Statistics
- US Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI): Burden of Musculoskeletal Disease in the US
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Arthritis Data and Statistics – National Statistics
- Center for Enhancing Activity & Participation among Persons with Arthritis (ENACT): Arthritis Information – General information about arthritis, socioeconomic burden, and treatment
- Objective physical activity measurement in the Osteoarthritis Initiative: Are guidelines being met? Dunlop, et al; Arthritis Rheum 2012 (full text)
- Prevalence of Obesity in the US, 2009-2010, Ogden, et al., NCHS Data Brief 2012 (full text)
- Disability, Arthritis, and Body Weight among Adults 45 Years and Older, Okoro, et al., Obes Res 2004 (abstract)
- What if We Prevent Obesity? Risk Reduction in Knee Osteoarthritis, Muthuri, et al., Arth Care Res 2011 (abstract)