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People with type 2 diabetes are more than twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease, and live 7-8 years less. More than 25% of the cost of treating diabetes relates to cardiovascular complications.


The combined effects of diabetes and heart disease are serious – and they can become even more serious when arthritis is involved too. Those with diabetes and/or heart disease are more likely to have arthritis than the general population – in fact, almost half of those with heart disease or diabetes also have arthritis. When these conditions are combined, they can lead to a vicious cycle. Those with arthritis may find it more difficult to exercise, which can lead to extra body weight, increased heart and/or diabetes symptoms, worse joint pain, and less movement.



Physical activity is the best first line treatment for heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis, so getting moving can help you manage all three conditions! Movement can be difficult for those with joint pain or disability, but participating in arthritis-appropriate exercise programs can help you exercise safely, comfortably, and enjoyable. Programs such as the National Diabetes Prevention Programand other evidence-based, community programs, can help you learn how to manage pre-diabetes or diabetes and arthritis.

Try to be active for 150 minutes a week. That’s just 30 minutes a day, five days a week of brisk walking or similar activity. But any amount of increase in physical activity is helpful for both immediate and long term health benefits. Check out our Active Living Resource page for more ways to keep moving with arthritis.

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