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Monthly Member Spotlight: 

America Walks

There is no better treatment for osteoarthritis than getting out for a walk. Walking can help reduce pain, improve physical function, and boost mood. The Osteoarthritis Action Alliance is actively involved in several walking initiatives for people with OA, including our mini-grant program (which supports community organizations offering the evidence-based Walk with Ease Program), and Walk with a Doc in Chapel Hill, NC.

This month, the OAAA is pleased to spotlight America Walks, which has been working for more than 20 years to improve walking and walkability in America. Their efforts to encourage walking among people of all abilities ties closely with the prevention and management of OA, and we are proud to be able to support these efforts by serving as a sponsor for the National Walking Summit, which will be held in St. Paul, MN on September 13-15. This summit will bring together experts in advocacy, health, government, transit, and city planning to share ideas, build partnerships, and mobilize for the future. We will also be presenting a poster at the summit on the Walkability Audit, an effort to determine the most important elements of the environment to promote walkability for people with arthritis. Come find us at the summit!


An Interview with Dr. Kate Kraft and America Walks

Kate Kraft, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of America Walks

1.  What is your organization’s interest in the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance (OAAA)?

As an organization, we are interested in making sure that safe, accessible places to walk are available to everyone, regardless of age, ability, race, socioeconomic status or health status. The benefits of walking are widely documented for helping to prevent or manage symptoms of numerous diseases, including osteoarthritis, as well as many social benefits such as increased social inclusion and economic vitality. We want to make sure that opportunities and environmental conditions to safely walk are available. America Walks provides education, training and support to 1000s of local community change agents and activists that are pushing to create these safe and accessible walking conditions for everyone.

2.  What do you think is the most important issue today related to osteoarthritis?We think a primary issue for people with osteoarthritis is being able to live a full life, with the ability to be physically active and engaged in community. Walkable communities that maintain a complete mobility system, so that people can live, work and play without driving, provide the support, social and built environments so that everyone, regardless of ability, can lead a productive and enjoyable life.

3. How does your organization’s work connect to issues in osteoarthritis?

Walking is the most frequently reported type of physical activity, as well as, a transportation option for many. Staying active has significant prevention and disease management benefits. Creating safe walkable places provides opportunities for physical activity, plus, creates the built environment that supports community and social inclusion.

4. What is a headline you’d like to see about osteoarthritis in five years?

Safe, walkable communities provide those living with osteoarthritis the best opportunity for high quality, independent living.

5. What is one interesting fact you’d like people to know about your organization?

America Walks is a 20 year old national organization devoted exclusively to making America a great place to walk. We work with over 30K individuals and 700 aligned organizations to advocate for more safe, accessible, enjoyable places to walk. We provide training, education, resources and technical assistance to community change agents working to improve the pedestrian infrastructure in their community.

America Walks Resources & Events


Health Benefits of Walking

“Walking and cycling as part of everyday travel is as effective as structured workouts for improving health”100 Years of Walking

Fifty-nine years ago, Donald Bean decided to start walking to improve his chances at a long and healthy life. At 100 years old, he’s added in a four-wheeled walker to help him out, but he’s showing no signs of stopping.

And be sure to check out America Walks on Social Media!


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Upcoming Events

2017 National Walking Summit

America Walks’ annual Walking Summit will be in St. Paul, MN, from September 13-15. Some sessions that may interest members of the osteoarthritis community:

Walking Toward Justice: Color of Law Discussion (Webinar)
September 27, 2017, 2pm ET
Explore the intersection of walkability and residential segregation

Friends and Allies of the Walking Movement (Webinar)
October 11, 2017
Explore the ideas, partnerships, and resources that can help the Walking Movement continue to grow into 2018 and beyond.

The Monthly Member Spotlight is a way to learn more about and highlight the great work being done by our members and member organizations of the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance to advance osteoarthritis awareness, resources and education. Are you interested in being featured in our Monthly Member Spotlight? Contact us at


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