**Update: Walk with a Doc featured in the July 26 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association:
As Walking Movement Grows, Neighborhood Walkability Gains Attention, JAMA. 2016;316(4):382-383
In October 2015, we announced that Dr. Amanda Nelson, Assistant Professor at UNC’s Thurston Arthritis Research Center and Chair of OAAA Workgroup 3-Healthcare Systems and Provider Mobilization, was the first rheumatologist to start a chapter of Walk with a Doc. Today, we have more good news to share about the impact we have had on this program.
Walk with a Doc maintains an online “Walk Topics” library of mini lectures, or lecturettes, that walk leaders everywhere can download and share with their walkers. At the time she opened the chapter in Chapel Hill, NC, Dr. Nelson noted lecturettes on diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Given that osteoarthritis is often comorbid with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity, with physical activity being a common management strategy for all of these illnesses, we wanted to bring osteoarthritis into the picture. We prepared several lecturettes on arthritis and submitted them to WWAD in the hopes that they would find this information useful and relevant for the program:
- Osteoarthritis: A Basic Overview
- Arthritis: Key Public Health Messages
- Arthritis and Walking
- Exercises to Prevent Falls
- Myths about Osteoarthritis
We also provided them with our very popular Weight Gain and Joint Pain informational brochure.
The WWAD team was interested and excited to receive our information and created an “Arthritis” section on their Walk Topics page!
These lecturettes are quick and easy to read and digest for people who have arthritis and healthcare providers, alike. Check them out on our Resource Library.
Walk With A Doc is a walking program for everyone interested in taking steps for a healthier lifestyle. This program was started in Columbus, OH, in April of 2005 by cardiologist Dr. David Sabgir and has now expanded with chapters all across the US and in several countries around the world. Check out their website (http://walkwithadoc.org) and twitter @walkwithadoc.